Grace Women's Perfect Combination of European Palace Aristocratic Pastoral Style and Oriental Korean Style

It is suitable for female groups aged 25-40, white-collar workers, middle-class consumers, knowledgeable and tasteful, economically independent fashion women, and the pursuit of aesthetic style. The traditional non-conformist modern urban women are the best endorsements of the NE brand.

1. Style: Different from other brands, according to this season's popular theme, it shows fashion trends but also conforms to the product category of the brand positioning. The proportion of this product in the brand structure is small, but the image is prominent.
2, the classic models: The series emphasizes the practicality of the product, as the target consumer group has consistently identified product categories, mainly single-products, can be highly collocation, in maintaining the brand's consistent style while showing fashion, is a stable performance, guarantee The main categories of basic needs of the target consumer group
3, fashion models: focus on the brand's new season's popular theme style, highlight the fashion trend, complete interpretation of the brand concept and unique personality of the product category.
product price:
Spring and summer main price: 200-800 yuan Autumn and winter main price: 300-1400 yuan

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Contact Fax: 0755-25928239
Contact person: Yang Zhixin 13510112345

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