Vibrant red + white against the background (Figure)

White shirt with red knit shirt, energetic atmosphere began to jump. Express vitality with red, with a white silhouette, giving people a feeling of joy and joy.

White shirt with red knit shirt, energetic atmosphere began to jump. Express vitality with red, with a white silhouette, giving people a feeling of joy and joy.

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12/14 Gauge Knitting Yarn

Consinee is high end China Machine Knitting Yarn supplier & manufacturer including 3/5 Gauge Knitting Yarn, 7/9 Gauge Knitting Yarn, 12/14 Gauge Knitting Yarn and 16/18 Gauge Knitting Yarn.

The cashmere material of Consinee group is super soft, light, warm, and fine which is can used to make the luxurious and comfortable knitwear. Besides cashmere the other material like wool, silk, linen, cotton, alpaca, mohair are all selected from high quality place of origin. if you want to choose the high quality Cashmere Silk Wool Yarn ,Wool Silk Yarn, etc. contact us freely.

Silk Knitting Yarn,12/14 Gauge Knitting Yarn,Cashmere Silk Wool Yarn,Wool Silk Yarn

Consinee Group Co., Ltd. ,

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